29th May 2023 10:18:41 AM
1 min readParents of the about 500 suspended students of the Kumasi Technical Institute (KTI) in the Ashanti region have called on the school administration to allow their wards back to school.The parents held an emergency meeting with the management of KTI to apologise for the misconduct of their wards.The students were suspended by the school’s disciplinary committee for staging a protest on campus and destroying school property.
The students went on rampage when the authorities failed to grant them access to watch a football match outside campus. They vandalised several school property, including school vehicles, water tanks and classroom desks.<img src="
alt="Parents of suspended KTI students want management to revoke decision" title="Parents of suspended KTI students want management to revoke
decision" />According to the school authorities, some students who managed to run out of school to watch the football match also attacked the school’s security guard at post for refusing to allow them entry into the school compound. Another group of students also managed to leave campus without permission to attend the inter-school athletics competition, absenting themselves from class for nearly three weeks.
On May 26, 2023, the school authorities investigated the matter and concluded on suspending these students. <img src="
alt="Parents of suspended KTI students want management to revoke decision" title="Parents of suspended KTI students want management to revoke decision" />The students were asked to leave the school premises and not return until management recalls
them. But parents of the affected students, disturbed by the verdict of the school management, held an emergency meeting with school authorities to plead on behalf of their wards.The management of KTI is yet o revoke their decision.
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