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Trending Senior High School Girls comics

11th June 2020 12:23:56 PM

2 mins read

The trending Senior High School Comics of Girls of all courses Trending high school girls comic Can Say Can Do brought Senior high school comics which had been trending. The senior high school girls comics.This is also women empowerment people were talking about. These are the following course of girls and their comic pictures. 1.General Science girls General Science girls are termed as smart and intelligent.They are pretenders.

They are sweet loving girls.Boys normally like to sit with boys because of science girls .This make them termed as "dining mafia".They are coded liar and very difficult. 2.General Arts girls In fact, General Arts girls are the cutest.They are very fashionable.They always behave like "Slay Queens".They are argumentative and talkatives. They are sweet liars. They are sports women and selfie goddess. 3.Visual Arts They are dependable.

They do not rely on any one.They are very understanding.They are snitches.They are intelligent and smart.They do not know how to lie and they are lazy. 4.Business Girls Business girls are the most cleverst of all.They are very confident about their decision.They are kind hearted.They do like they know everything in the world.They are slow poisoners.Business girls are very dramatic and goes straight to the point when talking. 5.

Technical girls Technical girls are very pretty and "guy guy".The technical girls are fashion lovers and tough.Technicals girls are the most stubborn of all. 6.Agriculture girls V Agriculture girls are very hard working and fun loving.They like having fun.They are kind of being shy.They like food a lot and very naughty.They are talk backs and makes them argumentative.They think very deep. 7.

Home Economics girls Home Economics girls are very cheerful. They are very good cooks (junior chef). They bully junior years a lot.They are also girls gang leader. They like making noise a lot. They are romantic and sexy Which one are you or your friend, sister or girlfriend is? Source: Kelvin's_site