9th June 2023 11:54:37 AM
2 mins readThe Ghana Education Service (GES) has rescinded its earlier approval of Tug of War and Pillow Fight as sports in basic and second-cycle schools in the country.On 2nd May 2023, the Ghana Tug of War/Pillow Fight Federation wrote a letter to the Director General of the Ghana Education Service requesting the approval of the sports.
The GES in a letter dated 18th May, 2023, approved of the two sports and requested Regional Directors to officially inform Metro, Municipal and District Directors and Heads of Second Cycle Institutions that approval has been granted.But in a statement on 8th June 2023, the GES ordered the suspension of the games. According to the GES, this is to deepen stakeholder engagement on the policy.
The Service has therefore directed all Regional Directors of Education to inform Metro, Municipal, District Directors of Education and Heads of Second Cycle Institutions of the said suspension.Prior to the suspension, some social media users raised concern over the safety of students who engage in these sporting activities.
<img alt="" class="wp-image-503754" width="752" height="1024"/>Tug of WarTug of War involves two teams competing against each other in a test of strength. The objective of the game is for each team to pull the rope in opposite directions, with the goal of moving a designated marker on the ground in their favor.
The teams are positioned on either end of a long rope, and they pull the rope with all their strength in an attempt to overpower the opposing team and drag them across a center line or into a marked zone. The team that successfully moves the marker past the designated line or zone wins the game. Tug of War requires a combination of physical strength, teamwork, and strategy.
It is often played as a recreational activity, as well as a competitive sport at various levels, including local, national, and international competitions.Pillow FightA pillow fight is an activity in which participants engage in mock combat using pillows as "weapons." It typically involves individuals or groups engaging in a friendly, non-violent pillow fight.
Participants swing pillows at each other, attempting to hit opponents while avoiding being hit themselves.
The Independent Ghana
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