15th August 2023 2:50:37 PM
1 min readThe managers of Regal Hotel in North Kaneshie and Kegali Hotel in Dansoman, Accra, have been apprehended by the domestic tax revenue unit of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).
Their apprehension is a result of their failure to provide Value-Added Tax (VAT) invoices to their customers, a vital obligation according to tax regulations.
This enforcement action is a pivotal element of a broader initiative aimed at improving VAT compliance, which has been put into effect by the GRA.
In an interview with the media, the Accra Area Enforcement Manager, Joseph Annan, emphasized that the GRA is dedicated to bolstering tax compliance and revenue collection.
The authority aims to ensure that businesses meet their responsibilities to the government while simultaneously contributing to the nation's financial stability and growth.
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