15th February 2023 4:01:16 PM
1 min readThe National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme-NEIP has held stakeholders engagement with players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem as part of plans to implement a Hub Acceleration Grant Programme -HAGP under the Ghana Economic Transformation Project-GETP.
NEIP is one of the implementers of component three (3) of the programme which seeks to ensure Entrepreneurship and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) growth: This component will support entrepreneurship and MSME growth in non-resource-based sectors, addressing specifically the limited development of the MSME and entrepreneurship support ecosystem, including early stage financing.
part of the
programme, NEIP will launch a Hub Acceleration Grant Programme to support the hubs to accelerate Start-ups and SME growth.The stakeholders engagement was held to give insight to the programme and to also seek inputs from the players of the entrepreneurial ecosystem to ensure the success of the programme.
In attendance were NEIP, Hub owners/managers, the GETP component's specialists, Deloitte who are consultants to the programme, sister organisations and other support international organisations in the entrepreneurial eco-system.
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