16th May 2023 4:54:40 PM
2 mins readNinety-three (93) businesses are being dragged to court by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), following their failure to issue Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices for goods sold.This, according to the Authority, is in efforts to clamp down on businesses that are not paying the right taxes to the state as well as mobilise the expected revenue for the state.
The 93 businesses were detected after a test purchase was conducted on about 115 shops across the Greater Accra region.As a result, the Enforcement Unit of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has indicated its readiness to prosecute the 93 shops and business owners.The exercise is expected to help the GRA mobilise revenue for the state, as well as aid in meeting its revenue target.
These 93 businesses were identified after a test purchase was conducted on about 115 shops across the Greater Accra region.Speaking to the media, the Commissioner in charge of Domestic Tax Division at the GRA, Edward Gyamerah, said the figure translates into a non-compliance rate of 80.9%.“Test purchases conducted on 115 tax payers sampled for a week revealed a total number of 93 taxpayers not issuing the VAT invoice.
This translates into a non-compliance rate of 80.9%”, he said.Another challenge facing the Authority, he said, was refusal of some other businesses to register for tax payment even though they were obliged by law to do so.“It is an offence for a registered taxpayer to fail to issue a VAT invoice for a purchase made therefore we shall make them face the law ” he said.
Managers of Chez Amis, Waves Lounge all at East Legon and Grand Pacific at the Dzorwulu Junction were picked up by the enforcement team during the operation Tuesday, May 17, 2023.Meanwhile, the team was prevented from getting access to the Departure of the Airport terminal 3 to arrest about 10 business owners for failing to comply with the tax laws.
The Independent Ghana
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