11th October 2023 10:38:41 AM
2 mins readThe Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, George Mireku Duker, has officially launched the small-scale and community mining operational manual at the Akoon Community Mining site in Tarkwa.This 32-paged operational manual is dedicated to small-scale and community mining.
It provides a comprehensive explanation of the community mining scheme, its administrative structure, and the role of an oversight committee, all designed to enhance its effectiveness. The manual also simplifies the process of obtaining a mining license and outlines the available support services.
The Minister emphasizes the importance of ensuring that Ghanaians comprehend the battle against illegal mining, often referred to as "galamsey," and believes that this manual will facilitate a deeper understanding of the initiative.“People are so determined that whatever happens, they will go the extra mile to mine without following regulations.
That is why as a ministry, we have also organized this community mining concept, asking them to move out of our river bodies. Come and join the community mining, where it is organized and the government is providing mining machines for you to mine and mine responsibly.”Honourable George Mireku Duker encouraged all Ghanaians to actively support the fight against illegal mining, also known as ‘galamsey’.
He added that all citizens must support and participate in the government’s schemes to win this war.Mr. Mireku Duker also urged illegal miners to think about the community mining programme as a more durable and advantageous alternative while on a tour of mining sites in the Western Region.The Community Mining Scheme is an example of artisanal mining practises that supports ethical, profitable, and long-term small-scale mining.
The Mine Support Services have provided assistance to the Community Mining Scheme.Approximately 50,000 direct and indirect jobs are anticipated to be generated. About twenty-eight of these programmes have been launched by the government in various mining regions across the nation.The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has launched six schemes so far this year alone.
The Bongo Soe scheme, the Afransie scheme, and the Atwimanso scheme are a few examples. The Manso Nkwanta scheme, Moseaso Abrantie, and the Banko scheme round out the list. Over 60,000 jobs have reportedly been directly and indirectly created since the program's inception.Additionally, reports stated that the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources was eager to launch additional projects before the end of
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