20th July 2023 5:57:50 PM
1 min readThe Department of Parks and Gardens' Chief Horticultural Officer, Dr. Daniel Kingsford Adams, has stated that his organization needs roughly 2,000 new employees to become lively once more.
He explained the human resources dilemma as being caused by the staff's impending retirement of 90% of the workforce over the next five years.
However, he pointed out that despite the department receiving ten new hires, the personnel size is still insufficient.
Among other challenges of the Department of Parks and Gardens, Dr Adams further stated that, “Since I took over last year, the ministry, through the effort of the sector minister, Dan Botwe, provided us with new vehicles, including two big trucks, a Landcruiser Prado, a tractor, two pickups and working machines. Other than that, the department had no vehicles."
“We have also been provided with about 10 workers but we need a staff strength of about 2,000 to make the department vibrant once again,” he said.
The 1992 Constitution and Section 12 of PNDCL 327, which specifies the duties, are where the department derives its authority, according to a story in the Daily Graphic.
The department's responsibility is to maintain the horticultural vegetation that lines the median and shoulders of all national roadways.
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