30th March 2024 9:34:42 AM
1 min readPreparations are well underway for the introduction of the maritime single window program, aimed at streamlining vessel clearance processes at Ghana's ports.The digital platform will integrate operations of shipping lines and regulatory bodies, allowing seamless information sharing for vessel clearance activities, in compliance with the International Maritime Organisation's Annex to the Facilitation (FAL) Convention.
In anticipation of the phased launch scheduled for April, the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) has conducted extensive engagements with stakeholders involved in vessel clearance, including Shipping Agents, Customs, Port Health, Ghana Maritime Authority, Ghana Immigration Service, and Narcotics Control Commission.
Francis Donkor, Corporate IT Manager at GPHA, emphasized the unique focus of the maritime single window on vessel clearance, distinct from cargo clearance managed by the Integrated Customs Management System. He highlighted the platform's role in facilitating pre-arrival clearance processes for vessels entering Ghanaian waters.
Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority and Ghana Maritime Authority representatives expressed readiness for the vessel clearance system's implementation, acknowledging its potential to enhance trade facilitation and streamline clearance procedures.
Seth Toku-Dum, an Assistant Revenue Officer at the Customs Division, emphasized the importance of efficient vessel turnaround times for trade facilitation, expressing Customs' readiness to embrace initiatives that improve clearance processes.
Lydia Odai-Tettey, Principal Planning Officer at Ghana Maritime Authority, welcomed the maritime single window's implementation, highlighting its approval by the International Maritime Organisation and Ghana's commitment to adopting modern clearance practices.
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